Saturday, February 1, 2014

Int Seminar 2: In Class Writing 1.1 Blog Post---Redesign Project (Revised)

The mainstream cigarette cases today are flip-top hard cases and soft cases. However, each of them have their own flaws.

Flip-top cases are one of the most universal cigarette cases for filtered cigarettes. 

Affordances: Like it was named, the case is supposed to be opened with a flip. 

Constrints: However, the case does not allow smokers to open the case without touching the cover of it. 

Mappings: Flip-top hard cases gives a linear relationship between smokers and the case: flip the cover, get the cigarette. 

Feedback: The intender action can be rather easily executed.

Soft cases, on the other hand, is soft but carries most premium or unfiltered cigarettes.

Affordances: Soft cases can be opened by tearing the paper on top of the case. 

Constrints: To get the cigarettes, however, could be rather hard: either turn the case upside down then knock on its bottom to get the cigarette or tap on the side of its top. 

Mappings: It does not allow smokers to get the cigarettes with ease. Most soft cases are small, so they save some spaces for the smoker. 

Feedback: But, soft cases are more fragile than the hard cases. Therefore, the cigarettes can be damaged more easily.

After listing all the advantages and disadvantages, my group members and I introduced a sliding hard case whereas the case functions through a sliding device. 

Affordances: The device consists of a thumb zone and an auto flip-n-push mechanic. As the smokers put their thumb in the thumb zone, they can slide their thumb upwards, then the cover will be opened by itself. 

Mappings: What’s more, the flip-n-push mechanic allows cigarettes to be pushed up to a comfortable place where the smokers can get them easily. While sliding, smokers can hear the soft “click” that the case makes. 

Feedback: The packaging of the case is based on the shape of our hand, where five fingers can be putted in designated places. Our cigarette case have two sizes: filtered cigarette size and unfiltered cigarette size, where smokers can store their cigarette after buying or rolling them. The material for the package would be steel. Therefore, the case is relatively expensive. However, with proper promotion and collaboration with brands (fashion, hotel, customization etc.), the case can be sold quite well.

The case was inspired by a Lamborghini cigar lighter that has stunning design---smoker flip the cover of the lighter upwards, then push the button in the middle of the lighter to light up their cigarette. As I mentioned before, there will be a "click" when opening the case. This was also inspired by the iconic Zippo lighter, where their "click" is unmistakable. 
The cigarette packaging redesign also raise some questions like:
  1. How important is product packaging?
  2. Why do certain cigarettes sell better than others?
  3. How does a good-looking and functional lighter help to improve the smoking experience? What about cigarette packaging?


  1. Great notes! However, you didn't mention explicitly what the affordances, constrains, mapping and feedback in the old or new design are.

    1. Can I still edit it before Thursday so you can review it?
